Persona Healthcare Direct empowers employers to take control of their healthcare investment by tailoring a simpler, smart healthcare solution.
A Persona Healthcare Direct Membership gives your employees “Coverage with Care”:
A simpler, cost-effective healthcare solution for your company.
Giving your employees access to their own personal physician.
Your employees get same or next day appointments, along with virtual visits and communications.
Less employee absenteeism yields cost savings for your company.

Employer Testimonials
“Being a small family-owned business, we found Dr. Crall and the MyDPCdoc Family Practice, a Persona Healthcare Direct provider, to be a blessing for us, as well as an important benefit to offer our employees! This benefit allows us to provide a competitive advantage for recruitment and retention. In turn, we are able to save thousands of dollars without sacrificing the best quality care for our family and the families of our employees.”
— Luis & Lizette Espel, Lee Electric
“Since 2015, PEScience has been part of MyDPCdoc Family Medicine, a Persona Healthcare Direct provider. The Persona Healthcare Direct network has provided our company and our employees an exceptional experience with healthcare and is viewed as one of the key perks we offer. The access to Persona Healthcare Direct's network allows our employees to easily reach and communicate with a medical professional. With the ease of access and no co-pay in their way, employees are more eager and quicker to seek a medical professional. This has had a net positive for both the employee and the company and allows more flexibility for everyone in choosing their health coverage. Prior to joining the Persona Healthcare Direct network, I understood the value of the partnership on paper, but actually experiencing and seeing the value for 5+ years is why we continue to keep this as one of our key company perks.”
— Josh Poole, PEScience
“Last year Lakeland Automall elected to self-insure so that we could better manage and control our health costs which just keep climbing. There were a lot of components to the self-insured module with one of them being Direct Primary Care. We were a little skeptical at first that having a DPC program would prove beneficial but have been astounded at the effect it has had on employee morale and care.
The DPC program saves time for our employees as our DPC provider Dr. Christopher Salud is on-site every other week so employees only lose 30 minutes to see the doctor. It also saves money as there are no co-pays when they see Dr. Salud whether it’s on-site, at his office or via a virtual visit. And because Dr. Salud is available 24/7, employees have been able to avoid Urgent Care and ER visits which would have been costly.
Almost 50% of our insured employees are currently enrolled in the DPC program and the number of participants keep growing as word spreads about how warm, caring and thorough Dr. Salud is. The decision to enroll in the DPC program was one of the best decisions we ever made and I only wish we would have done it sooner.”
— Cindy McSwain, Lakeland Automall
“As a small business owner in a competitive industry we face many challenges. One is to provide a comprehensive benefits package to recruit talent, while keeping costs within our budget. The DPC model allows us to accomplish that and insure that our staff is getting the best care available. Offering proactive medical care with a primary doctor who is available via chat, phone AND in person visits and guides patients to the least expensive costs for medications and other out of office testing needs saves money. It saves time away from work for both the company and the employee, and gets to the root cause without unnecessary testing and medications. We are highly satisfied with this service!”
— Alberta Bland, Flagship Title
“GenerX Generators has been very pleased with our health insurance through Persona Healthcare Direct, formerly Tampa Bay Direct Care Network. From the first meeting with this outstanding group of people, we knew it was going to be advantageous not only for our company, but even more so for our employees. Any questions or concerns we have are always responded to immediately and they make sure we are happy with the outcome. Back to the good old days of speaking to people who know you and actually take a real interest in your company and employees. No more are the days of holding on the line to speak to a robot or a customer representative that reads off of a script. And the most rewarding aspect of this healthcare network, is the quality of care and personal attention that our employees receive.”